Feb 7, 2013

Of Ideas And Hatless Folks

T H U R S D A Y ,  F E B R U A R Y  7


As the weather is neither Spring nor Winter, people get all confused and leave their hats and scarves at home. After they've been outside in the unpredictably storming wind, poor hatless people catch a flu. Given the circumstances, a number of absent students in schools is bigger than present ones. Then they close the schools for several weeks, so that poor hatless people won't fall behind in classes. And then there's us - the lucky ones, at home, with no fever whatsoever, grateful for the ones who forgot to wrap their scarves around their necks and cover their ears with the hats. 

Thank goodness I'm on the latter group of people, who get to enjoy these unexpected vacations. I haven't had classes all this week and I'll be back on Wednesday. Me being me, I'd waste these precious free days doing nothing. Eating and sleeping days away, for instance. But the opposite is happening. A lively inner me has awoken and taken over this body. So much ideas are whirling in my head. Lucky I'm writing them all down. Not only I'm gathering thoughts and making to do lists (that may end up all undone), I'm actually getting the work done here! I realized I have all the things I need at at my arm's length, so no more I-have-to-buy-this-and-that excuses.

As you already may or may have not guessed, I won't be revealing stuff in this post. Let it remain a self-satisfactory post. I just have been feeling very good these days, I couldn't possibly keep it to myself. So there. Now you know. 

But I'm not leaving you without nothing at all, consider these photos some kind of hints. You can write your guesses in the comments if you wish.
Leave comments anyway, tell me please, did you bundled yourself up and got lucky to stay home just like I did? Or are you the one that left the house without a scarf...

p.s. of course you'll get a solid blog post of things I've done, there's no chance it'll stay in secret.


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