Apr 2, 2014


LOVING LATELYhello mon cher reader! So I wanted to share some kind of current favorites of mine and I realized I have a few in the area of hair care. I'm constantly trying out new products on my hair and taking a proper care of it, I don't straighten them or blow-dry. However, I am cursed with an oily scalp that requires me to wash my hair everyday (that is, if I'm leaving the house), my roots easily get greasy within 24 hours or so... By washing my hair every day, obviously they get quite dry, especially the ends do. But with the help of conditioners, oils, serums and stuff I manage to maintain a decent condition of my hair. Here are a few things that I'm absolutely loving these days. First off, lemme tell you about a GLISS KUR Liquid Silk by Schwarzkopf leave-in conditioner. I need a leave-in conditioner merely because regular conditioners are much more time-consuming. And I have no time for that in the mornings before school. This product softens and provides a bit of weight to my extremely thin hair. It's also a boost of shine which is always appreciated. What I love about this product in particular is that I can use it whenever I want, whether my hair's dry or damp. I either spray this on my hair or palms and then run my hands through my hair. I wouldn't say it's something miraculous, but I do love it at the moment!Next up... LOVING LATELYOkay now this goes to my yet unofficial holy grail of hair care. This is YELLOW Nourishing Hair Mask by Alfaparf. The Alfaparf brand has been highly recommended by my mom's hair dresser and we (me and my mom I mean) have been trying it out lately. I must say I'm really satisfied with this italian brand! This is the second tube of this mask I'm using and it beats all the others I've ever used. Not that I've used tons but still... So what does it do then? Oh all the great things that every hair product ad has ever claimed. It makes my hair super manageable, no knots whatsoever. My hair's so smooth and soft after this, I can't stop touching them and running my fingers through it!


Oh this just gliiiiides through! I've been using this brush since the beginning of 2014 I think, so basically haven't had trouble with knots or pulling my hair painfully ever since. I'm not entirely sure what's the sorcery with this brush, but I think I've read somewhere that due to its bristles being in various lengths, it detangles your hair within a few swipes. Whereas a regular brush just gets stuck in your hair or pulls it painfully. I got this off ebay for a knock-off price!


These hair bands are so lovely and there's no way I'm ever going back to the regular elastics! I do wear ponys quite a lot and I'm familiar with the breakage it causes but turns out these little things help with avoiding such damage. Also, I've been reading about these and it says it doesn't dent your hair, but unfortunately it does... I love them nevertheless though! And look at these fun colors..These hair bands are by Essence, so cool of them to come out with such stuff!

All of the above is highly recommended no matter your hair type! Do you have any hair care favorites you'd like to share? If so, please do! :) See you soon!


  1. Love it! I actually have that elastics but it worns out so fast. I think it depends on the quality of the brand. *sigh

  2. have you ever tried using dry shampoo for you second day hair?

  3. I must get a detangling brush! My frizzy hair is so painful to get through with a normal brush! And those hair bands sound so convenient! x

    Kathryn | effievanity
    (hope you can enter my spring palette giveaway!)

  4. Man irgi plaukus tenka kasdien plauti, bet šį kartą kai grįžau, savaitgalį praleidau pas draugą, o jis turėjo tik margaritos šampūno su kiaušinių lecitinu, teko pabandyti, po skrydžio verkiant reikėjo plauti plaukus. Išsiploviau šeštadienio rytą, sekantį kartą reikėjo plauti tik pirmadienį vakare, plaukai nesiriebalavo, blizgėjo ir šiaip buvo neapsakomai švelnūs. Šiaip nekainuoja brangiai šampūnas tas, manau, reikės įsigyt ir patikrinti dar kartą, nes kai kurie tik pirmą kartą veikia šitaip. Siūlau ir tau pamėgint, kartais paprasčiausi dalykai daro stebuklus, o jei ir netiks, negaila bus išmesti :)
