Jun 24, 2014

VIDEO: My Summer Morning Routine

hello mon cher reader. As you may or may not know, youtube happened. I uploaded my first video yesterday after gathering the courage for what seems like half of the year. Every now and then I would have people on instagram asking me whether I make videos and I would feel kind of flattered in a way. However, I still hesitated putting my camera on the filming mode. But sometime last week I got this urge I couldn't possibly suppress. I needed to film. I've been thinking of doing my Morning Routine for some time now and yesterday I finally picked up my camera. In the middle of filming I was like "alright, there's no going back now, I really am doing this". So the video went live yesterday and I got some amazing feedback and I will most definitely continue filming! I thought of putting a peek on my blog too, so here it is.

If I don't have anywhere else to be but home, my summer mornings are pretty chill-out, lounging-in-my-bedroom kind. After having a nice lay in, I get up not caring what time or day of the week it is. Isn't it the whole point of Summer? Then, after washing my face and brushing my teeth I head to the kitchen for my fix of detox tea.

I drink the Skinny Fox Detox one, which surprisingly is so delicious. Would anyone like me to do a blog post dedicated to it?

I either drink it while checking my email, watching youtube, etc or reading a book. There's something about starting my day the way I ended the previous one - with a book. I always read before going to sleep.

Currently I'm more than halfway through the the last book in The Mortal Instruments series - "City of Heavenly Fire". Add me on GoodReads so you can always see what I'm reading or what I want to read!

My morning reading sessions don't last too long, obviously. The main reason being my growling stomach so I head back downstairs to make some breakfast. I was thinking what meal should I show in the video since breakfast foods are my favorite.. Well I absolutely cannot live without toast, so I decided to go with fruity peanut butter toast.

So if you haven't already watched my morning routine, I'm adding the link below. If you did watch it, tell me what you think! Also, what else should I film? : )

bisou bisou,



  1. This video is ''très'' successful, aha ;)
    I'ts ''très'' cute, continue ! I love ''get ready" videos ;)

    Bisou bisou ♥

  2. I love this video!! :) And the music is so lively. How do you film it? With a tripod?

    1. Yea, always using a tripod! Thank you xxx

  3. I can't believe this is your first video! Seriously this is what I wish I could do and I've been doing youtube for like 6 months now haha. I subscribed and I really can't wait to see more from you Julia!
    Amber | Lovely Notions

  4. Oho, Julia, tavo blogas tiesog nuostabus :) Puiki kokybė, nerealios nuotraukos ir dizainas, atrodo kaip tikras profesionalus užsienietiškas tinklaraštis. Pati jau kuris laikas rašau blogą ir PUIKIAI žinau, kiek darbo, pastangų, laiko ir idėju visam tam reikia, tad esi šaunuolė :) O video tai net privertė nusišypsoti:)

