Mar 28, 2013

DIY: Spring Candles

T H U R S D A Y ,  M A R C H  2 8


Hi!! I've heard Lithuania is not the only one lacking Spring which makes me feel a teeny tiny bit better that I'm not the only one in the world who still has snow in March. Ew, right?! But as you can tell, I'm bringing Spring into my home. With my best friends polka-dots and florals! The DIY is super easy. It's pure pleasure to do this, requires no effort at all. So, to start off, I hope you're not throwing away those candle jars, are you? So much can be done with those! For instance, I kept pretty candy poured into the jar (as seen in this post) and I have another on my desk for pens and pencils and stuff. This time I'm reusing it for what it's been designed in the first place for. Candles of course. Let's do this!

You see it's ridiculously easy, I just hope I gave you the idea you'd like to try. 
The tape I wrapped around a candle is from Tiger

P.S. Feel free to ask all sorts of questions in the comments for the upcoming Q&A post!


  1. Cute Idea!! :-) May have to try this... x

  2. adorable!

  3. Such a lovely idea :) I love DIY projects! I love the idea of decorating the tea lights too. Think I might give this a go.. xx

  4. Such a brilliant idea! :) love it, might try it
    M xxx

  5. So pretty, gorgeous pictures by the way, if you have any tips for those of use who are photography challenged?

  6. Gorgeous candle with specific design gives the light of features. I need the design of candles with decorating to home at a limit of mode. If you need to buy Candles with various advantages then keep it up at a significant mode.
